THRIVE provides coaching to support people and organisation become authentic.
I thought I'm kind of a person who can say things I want, but I realised there are moments I hesitate especially in international environment.
This made me realise"Oh, I am so Japanese!"
There is a saying in Japanese "read the air," which means don't ruin the flow and be polite.
The good part about it is that it brings the peace and can avoid conflicts. However, I seldom feel that the culture of "read the air" can also make us unconsciously be fake and not showing up who we really are.
And you know what?
We are creative.
The reason why I started THRIVE is to unleash people's creativity, and to create the "REAL harmony", and not" False Harmony".
I believe this makes our lives more alive and resourceful.
If you are curious about all this, welcome to THRIVE!!
"Thrive" means to grow vigorously, to develop successfully, flourish, healthy and strong.
In this logo, each letter lacks the length and this shows individual's uniqueness.
We may not be perfect but we are resourceful.
We want to create the world not just showing your uniqueness, but also with collaboration, chemistry,
growing roots and branches and bring life into it. Supporting people and teams is just the starting point,
we believe that their transformation impact the world beyond themselves.
THRIVE has 3 main services in order to develop individual's and system's leadership.
01Personal and Executive Coaching
This is one on one coaching.
The main purpose of this coaching is to own your leadership in life/career and to take action.
02Systems Coaching
This is coaching for more than 2 people such as partnership or teams. System means relationship. We coach relationships for partners, teams and organizations to develop their leadership. We help you to reveal what is happening in the system and help to transform to another level.
03Leadership Program
We design and organize training programs on the theme of "Leadership" to meet the client's needs.
・Diversity × Leadership
・Intrapreneur × Leadership
・Next generation × Leadership